Week 6!
Did I seriously just title this entry as week 6?!? I cannot believe it. Time has seriously flown by. This week was no exception. I was so busy with school and lesson plans...it consumed my week.
And I am really starting to talk Irish over here. Not the language, but things I say are totally like what they say. I guess it has partly to do with being around these young girls and I try to make myself understandable to them. But I really am 'conforming' to the culture. I catch myself telling the girls that their art projects are lovely, I would have never said that prior to Ireland. I say the word 'loads' when I mean many of something, and 'thanks a million', when I am really thankful. 'Well done' has been heard coming out of me. And I also call the girls 'love', which is something that they use all of the time over here. 'Excuse me love, or what is wrong love' are often ways that I use that word. I don't know what is getting into me. I also say certain things with a bit of an accent. Some of my teachers start laughing, but I seriously cannot help it. Apparently I am in this for the entire Irish experience!
4th class
I think that I have become a solar system expert after this week! We did solar system activities all week. I think by far their favorite was paper mache on Friday. I blew up a bunch of balloons to represent the planets. Obviously the sun and Jupiter were the largest and the rest were all different sizes in relation to these two. The girls dipped strips of newspaper into the paste (simply flour & water) and wrapped it around the balloons. I think that this was the messiest art project I could have ever done, in any class. I was very organized with everything though. On Thursday night I made the paper mache, put them all in different containers so that each group would have their own, and ripped the paper.

Friday was very chaotic with the girls. But I imagined that it would be. There were two girls to every planet, and then two girls for the sun, two for the moon, and four girls worked on making asteroids for the asteroid belt. We will paint them all next week after they dry. I know for sure that the girls really enjoyed doing it, so it makes it all the more worth my troubles and time. They had so much fun. They made a huge mess, but I had newspaper everywhere and it was easy to clean up. I, however, walked out the biggest mess. There was paper mache all over my pants, and my black shirt (which really made it stand out). I even had it on my neck and in my hair. I apparently was really into the project as well. They told me that I would be the only teacher who ever dared trying this with them. But I don't blame the other teachers. There are 26 ten-year old girls all in one room, always talking. I suppose I am too naive and inexperienced to have really understood what I was taking on.

The girls really weren't too thrilled that I made them wear their art shirts. But they very soon understood why.
IrIsH lAdS & pApEr MaChE!
1st class
My 1st class girls were very energetic this week. So to say the least, they were a bit exhausting. I also had to be a bit spontaneous this week. On Tuesday the teacher did not show up for school. She pulled a back muscle and was unable to make it. Apparently they do not have a sub come in if the teacher only calls in sick the morning of. The girls are instead shipped off two by two to other classes and do loads (see there it is) of work that they are assigned to do.
Since I am very comfortable with this class, and in there quite a bit, the principal, Mrs. Mulvill, asked if I would feel comfortable taking over the class for the day. I of course said yes, and the girls seemed as excited as I was for me to be there all day. The day went very smoothly, and I had so much fun being the one 'in charge' and kind of creating my own schedule. Interesting though: not the principal or one teacher came to check up on me. I really don't think that this is something that would be allowed back in America. I didn't need anyone, thankfully, so it was not really a big deal. There was a slight accident where one girl became so excited while playing the fly swatter game that I taught them, she kind of wet herself. I literally bit my lap to stop my laughter. But all in all, it was a great learning experience for me, and forced me out of my comfort zone!
Junior Infants
I was not with my Junior Infants as much this week due to me being the substitute and all of my work with the Solar System. I did continue to work with them on their paintings. It is a lot of fun to do with them, but so much work. I have to set all of the paint up, and mix colors to make ones that we don't have, make sure that all of their uniforms are rolled up, and aprons on, and keep eyes on every girl to make sure she is painting her neighbor. I love how hectic it is, but it can be a bit exhausting.
We also started our Advent wreath in the class and I explained to them a little bit about Advent. We are currently reading the book 'The Manger' and the girls are loving learning all about the birth of Jesus. They were also thrilled to perform their song that they have been practicing for the last couple of weeks. We had mass on Friday morning with the whole school for the beginning of Advent, and they were glowing as they sang their song. They did wonderfully!
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